Analysts predict that US companies may not be able to fill 2.7 million new, open jobs in manufacturing by 2030, making the skills gap a national imperative.
Small, medium, and large manufacturers across the US are challenged to attract qualified individuals ready to work on day one, upskill incumbent staff to take on the rapid adoption of emerging and transformational technologies, and retain skilled employees in the face of the nationwide labor shortage.
Join us on Tuesday, October 24 in Greenville, SC, as Tooling U-SME hosts a Workforce Day as part of SOUTHTEC. Top-performing manufacturers, educators, and workforce experts will share experiences and best practices to help you align your training and maximize your bottom line. Learn about real-life examples of successful workforce development solutions in local South Carolina communities and throughout the nation.
This event will be co-located in the Smart Manufacturing Experience Pavilion, hosted by SME and CESMII, and will take place at the Greenville Convention Center.